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Alhussan News


Outstanding Cambridge Exams Achievers (June 2024-2025)

Orbit International School, Outstanding Cambridge Exams Achievers (June 2024-2025)

Girls                                                               Result

1. Tala Asem Mufleh                                    Five A*

2. Raunak Hossain                                        Four (9’s)

3.  Yenuki Udana                                           Four a^

4.  Rabia Ali                                                    Three A*, Two A

5.  Saja Khalid                                                Three A*, Four A

6.  Manal Aftab                                             Three A*, One A

7.  Retaj Gamil                                               Two (9’s), Two (8’s)

8.  Dania Eqab Khlaif                                                Two a^, one b^

9.  Vanya Zeeshan                                         Two a^, one b^

10. Sandri Haitham                                      Two a^

Boys                                                                Result

1. Mahmood Al Naib                                    Five A*

2. Mohammad Aaban                                  Four A*

3.  Abdelrahman Ahmed                             Three (9’s)

4.  Kareem Fanari                                          Two (8’s), One(9’s)

5.  Mohammed Hatim                                 Two A, Four B

6.  Adam Ihab                                                Two (9’s)

7.  Khaled Mohammad                                Two A*

8.  Awse Ihab Mohammad                          Two a^

Cognia Accreditation Renewal

With great pleasure, we announce that Al-Hussan Group for Education and Training has received the renewal of its international accreditation certificate from Cognia following a review team's visit to assess the group's operations and performance.

Mr. Rashid Al-Hussan, General President of Al-Hussan Group for Education and Training, stated: Educational institutions in various countries around the world are now required to obtain a form of recognition, accreditation, and insurance for the educational credentials they grant to their students, as well as to deal on equal ground with comparable institutions in other countries around the world so that they and their graduates have real value and are recognized at both local and international levels.

Mr. Rashid proceeded on to say that the primary goal of accreditation is to reassure the public that the educational institution and its outputs are competent and skilled enough to achieve its ambitions and aspirations of obtaining highly competent staff members who perform their duties successfully, as well as to boost the confidence granted to all of the certificates granted to its students, which adds credibility to that educational institution.

Mr. Rashid thanked all the team members of Cognia. He also applauded all school staff in the educational, administrative, pedagogical, training, and support services departments.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, Vice President, stated that renewing Al-Hussan Schools' system certification from Cognia is important, as this accreditation was provided to Al-Hussan Group as a system rather than a specific/individual school. Any educational initiative of the Al-Hussan Group will be directly accredited by Cognia. This demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative, academic, and educational aspects of the company.

Mr. Abdullah proceeded, "At Al-Hussan Schools, we are eager to keep up with the latest contemporary educational technologies and apply the best educational theories and educational strategies in a way that reflects in the student's performance, which we have made the focal point of the educational process."


Cognia is one of the world's largest educational communities, with over 36,000 public, private, and district schools in the United States and more than 90 countries, educating over 16 million students.


The Educational Tablet Program

Starting the new academic year 2023-2024, Al-Hussan Education and Training Holding Group has launched the “Educational Tablet” program

Mr. Rashid Al-Hussan, the President of Al-Hussan Group, stated that the use of educational tablets comes within the policies that have been established in Al-Hussan schools to be an active part of the educational system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 AD.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi, vice president, declared that the program aims to distribute educational tablets to students of Al-Hussan Schools, to keep pace with modern educational technology, and make the educational process more interactive and attractive for students.

Mr. Al-Ghamdi added: A clear policy has been developed for the optimal use of the devices by both the students and the educational and administrative staff at the school; the ideal educational environment has been created for that purpose.

It is worth mentioning that the educational tablet project is considered a qualitative addition to the various educational programs adopted by Al-Hussan Education Group, especially since this project enables the students to use and possess modern technological knowledge tools, thus increasing their additional resources of knowledge such as e-curricula, virtual learning tools, and the experiences and research of others in the same field. Therefore, they have access to a variety of learning methods, analysis, critical thinking, and interacting with a wide range of learners everywhere. This project also moves us towards reducing the use of paper books and weights that students carry in their bags, and allows the team of teachers to focus on various evaluation methods, obtain statistical analyses and provide feedback for each learner. That all leads to providing all students with equal opportunities to receive support, and following up on each case according to its special needs.

Finally, the educational tablet provides the guardian and the family with a greater opportunity to be more involved in the educational process of their children.

Education Forum (GESS 2019)

شاركت مجموعة الحصان للتعليم والتدريب القابضة في أعمال الإعداد والتنظيم لمشاركة وزارة التعليم في منتدى التعليم والمعرض العالمي لمستلزمات وحلول التعليم ( GESS  ) والذي أقيم بمركز دبي التجاري بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة خلال الفترة 26 – 28 فبراير 2019 م .

وأكد الأستاذ عبد الله الغامدي نائب الرئيس العام لمجموعة الحصان للتعليم والتدريب القابضة حرص مجموعة الحصان على المشاركة الفاعلة والمتميزة في المحافل العلمية المحلية والاقليمية والدولية، وقدم شكره لوزارة التعليم على هذه المشاركة.

وقال الغامدي : تمثلت مشاركتنا في نظام التعليم التكاملي "تيا" الذي يتميز بأنه متوافق مع التوجهات العالمية الحديثة في تقنيات التعليم من خلال استخدام الألعاب التعليمية بتقنية الواقع المعزز Augmented Reality))، وجعل التعليم أكثر متعة من خلال التعلم الاجتماعي، ويساهم النظام في تلبية حاجة المملكة للاستثمار في الاقتصاد المعرفي لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة المستدامة في جودة التعليم.

وأضاف الغامدي : يشمل النظام مجالات إدارة المحتوى التعليمي، والتواصل الفعال بين أطراف العملية التعليمية، والتقييم والتحصيل الدراسي، والانضباط والسلوك، والتخطيط والتطوير، والإشراف، والإرشاد.